Modelling a Nescafe Mug with 3Ds Max 2010 - Free 3D Model

Modelling a Nescafe Mug with 3Ds Max 2010

3d modeling tutorial

Hello again..this time we’re gonna create a nescafe mug. In this tutorial you will learn a  couple of 'Editable Poly' features like 'Extrude', 'Chamfer', 'Connect', 'Hinge From Edge', 'Bridge' and 'Inset'. Let’s go the step 1.

1.Go to 'Create' tab, click 'Geometry' and create a 'Box'. Set its parameter Length:55, Wide:55, Height:70 and all segment is 1.

3d modeling tutorial
Pic. 01

2.Convert the box to an editable poly by right clicking it and select 'Convert to an Editable Poly'.

3d modeling tutorial
Pic. 02

3.Select these 4 edges, and chamfer it with an amount 20 and segment 20.

3ds max chamfer modeling
Pic. 03

4.Select these edges, and connect with 10 segment.

3ds max edges connect
Pic. 04

5.Select these edges, and connect with 2 segment.

3ds max edge connect
Pic. 05

6.Change to a vertex selector. Select these vertexs and scale it in x direction to get its distance more wider.

vertex in 3ds max object
Pic. 06

7.Change to a polygon selector, select these two polygons and inset it with an amount 0.5.

3ds max polygon selector
Pic. 07

8.Select the first polygon that have inset before, click ‘Hinge From Edge’ modifier from ‘EditPolygons’rollout menu. Sets the parameter : Angle : 170, Segment 14 then pick the hinge, see pic.08.

edit polygon 3ds max object
Pic. 08

Another detail for 'Hinge From Edge' explanation, you can find it here :

Poly Modifier 'Hinge From Edge'

9.Next we’re gonna connect the handle to a mug body. Pick these two polygons (see pic.09) then click 'Bridge' button. 

bridge 3ds max poly modifier
Pic. 09

10.Modify the shape of the handle using ‘select and move’ tool by move the vertex in x-y direction.

select and move 3ds max
Pic. 10

11.Select the top polygon of the mug, 'Inset' it with an amount 2.5 then extrude it with height -7 for ten times.

inset 3ds max poly modifier
Pic. 11

12.Select the bottom polygon of the mug, select the edges and 'Chamfer' it with an amount 2 and 3 segment.

chamfer 3ds max poly modifier
Pic. 12

13. Extrude the polygon with an amount 1.

extrude 3ds max poly modifier
Pic. 13

14. Select the first and second row vertex from the top of mug and scale it. See pic.14.

scale 3ds max modifier
Pic. 14

15. Select an inner edge of a top mug and chamfer it with an amount 2 and 5 segment.

chamfering editable poly
Pic. 15

16. Select an inner edge of a mug bottom and chamfer it with an amount 5 and 5 segment.

editable poly modifier
Pic. 16

17. Finish this mug model with 'Turbosmooth' modifier with iterations 1. See the result in pic.17.

turbosmooth 3ds max modeling
Pic. 17

18. Thats a wrap, see you again in next tutorial.


  1. im having some trouble with "hinge from edge" im using 3ds max 2013 can you explain more about that part.

  2. I've never try it in 3ds max 2013 yet, but it could be still the same way as i explain..try again maybe you missed the step..thanks.

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