This tutorial will explain you to render a realistic object with simple way and less render time. I use 3ds max 9 and V-Ray 1.5. Let’s go the step 1.
1.On top viewport, go to Create tab, click geometry and create a plane. Set its parameter Length:140, Width:140 and all segment is 4.

Fig. 01
2.Now place the object you want to render. You can use a teapot or another object here, but I already have this beautiful vase flower to render, if you agree with me, you can get the vase flower <here>, it's already materialized. We need a glossy material for the object to catch a reflection, so if you use a teapot for the object to render, give the teapot a glossy material. You can go <here> to know how to make a V-Ray glossy material.

Fig. 02
3.Now go to front viewport, create a V-Ray light. Change the ‘Multiplier’ value to 8 and change the ‘Color’ into a light cyan. Name it ‘LIGHT1’ See the figure below (Fig.03).

Fig. 03
4.Back to Top viewport, move the ‘LIGHT1’ to it’s position, then rotate it around of 45 degree.See the figure below (Fig.04).

Fig. 04
5.Create another light that opposite to LIGHT1, name it LIGHT2 and change the parameters. Set the ‘Multiplier’ value to 3, change the light ‘Color’ to ‘White’.

Fig. 05
6.Still on top viewport, create a ‘TargetCamera’, make the the target camera is almost rectangular with these two ‘LIGHTS’. See the figure below (Fig.06).

Fig. 06
7.Now go to ‘Perspective’ viewport, right clicking on it and apply the ‘Camera01’ view.

Fig. 07
8.Go to ‘Front’ viewport, modify the ‘TargetCamera’ view by moving up the camera and the camera target too. Change the ‘Lens’ of the camera value to 50. Keep modifying the camera target until you have the best perspective view.

Fig. 08
9. Hit render to test the render result. Here’s in Fig.9 below is my result. As you can see that the background is dark and the land is not reflecting the object.

10. Now we’re gonna change the background in to gray. In 3ds Max main menu, choose “Rendering’ tab and click ‘Environment’. Change the background color into Gray.

11. Next step is creating a glossy land with a gradient overlay. It’s can do by applying the glossy v-ray material to the plane object as a glossy land. You can get the material <here>. Next tutorial I’m gonna show you how to make this material. After change the background color and applying the land material here’s my result below.

12. Now we’re gonna change the V-Ray default render setting for more realistic result. Go to‘Render Scene’ (F10), click ‘Renderer’ tab menu and change some render parameter. I just turn on the GI, turn on the ‘Environment’ and change the value of ‘rQMC Sampler’.

13. After doing a render setting, render again the scene and you should see the result below. Sure you can do another render setting experiment to get the best result.

14. Have a question or still confused? You can leave a comment below or learn from the complete scene, you can get it <here>. Thanks for read, and keep visiting my blog. Gracias!