Creating Depth of Field using V-Ray ZDepth + Photoshop Pt2 - Free 3D Model

Creating Depth of Field using V-Ray ZDepth + Photoshop Pt2

3ds max depth of field tutorial 

Hi..this is the 'Part 2' of this tutorial, if you've missed the 'Part 1',  just click  ==>>here.

Welcome to part 2.. lets continue to step 7.

7. Open the 2nd JPG (the Zdepth JPG) in Photoshop.

depth of field rendering

8. Go to select menu, and click all. You can press 'Ctrl+A' to use a keyboard shortcut.

3ds max DOF
Fig. 02.

9. After selecting the full image (Ctrl+A), go to ‘Edit’ menu, and click ‘Copy’. You can press ‘Ctrl+C’ to use a keyboard shortcut.

DOF 3ds max tutorial
Fig. 03.

10. Open the first JPG , then go to 'Channel' tab. On the ‘Channel’ tab, click the ‘Create new channel’  button.

depth of field rendering
Fig. 04.

11. As you can see in Fig.05, the new channel is  automatically named as ‘Alpha 1’.

3d rendering tutorial
Fig. 05.

 12. Now ‘Paste’ or press 'Ctrl V' the 'Zdepth' image that has been copied above in Step 9 to 'Alpha 1' channel.

3ds max rendering tutorial
Fig. 06.

13. Turn off the Alpha 1 channel and select the RGB, Red, Green and Blue Channel, then go to ‘Filter’ tab. 'Filter' tab is on ‘Photoshop’ main menu bar.

DOF effect 3ds max
Fig. 07.

 14. On the ‘Filter’ menu, choose ‘Blur’ and select the sub menu ‘Lens Blur’.

rendering with depth of field effect
Fig. 08.

 15. Changes the ‘Lens Blur’ parameters. Do some experiment in modifying the parameters to get the best result you want. Click ‘OK’ and it’s done.

depth of field 3ds max tutorial
Fig. 09.

 16. Well done, see you again next tutorial.